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Austin Claire's Sourdough Bread

This is my go-to all-time favorite recipe for baking a single glorious loaf of tangy, crusty, chewy sourdough bread!
Prep Time1 hour 20 minutes
Cook Time30 minutes
Proofing / Rise Time1 day
Course: Bread
Keyword: Sourdough Bread
Servings: 1 loaf


  • Kitchenaid Mixer
  • Kitchen Scale
  • Oval Bread Banneton
  • Lame
  • Cast Iron Dutch Oven
  • Plastic Shower Cap
  • 4 qt Plastic Rubbermaid Food Bin
  • Kitchen Thermometer


  • 300 grams Water warm
  • 10 grams Salt
  • 400 grams Bread Flour
  • 50 grams Rye Flour
  • 100 grams Active Sourdough Starter


Day One

  • If you keep your sourdough starter in the fridge when not using it to bake, get it out in the morning on the day you're going to start the bread so it can warm up and activate.
  • At 5:30 p.m., add 300 grams of warm water, 10 grams of salt, 400 grams of bread flour, and 50 grams of rye flour to your Kitchenaid mixer. Using, the bread hook attachment, knead just until the dough forms. Take the bread hook attachment off and let it sit in the bowl with the dough, then cover the bowl with a plastic shower cap. Let the dough sit and autolyze for at least 30 mins.
  • At 6:10 p.m., add 100 grams of active sourdough starter to your mixer, re-attach the bread hook and knead the dough until all the starter has been thoroughly combined. Spray the 4 qt Plastic Rubbermaid Food Bin with olive oil. Once the dough is ready, place it in the bin and cover it with the plastic shower cap again. Let the dough rest for 30-40 minutes.
  • At 7:00 p.m., remove the plastic cap, get your hands slightly damp so the dough won't stick to you, and fold the dough in on itself until it's shaped into a tight round again. Cover the bin with the plastic cap and let the dough rest for another 30 minutes. Repeat this folding two more times on the half-hour, so at 7:30 and again at 8:00.
  • After the last fold at 8:00, cover the bin with plastic wrap and place it in the fridge overnight.

Day Two

  • The next morning at 7:00 a.m., remove the bin from the fridge and gently pull the dough out onto the counter. Lengthwise, fold one side of the dough over itself and then fold the other side completely over that. Next, roll the dough up into an oval. Take the bin, flip it over and place it over the dough. Let the dough rest for 30-40 minutes.
  • At 7:40, after the dough has rested, re-shape / re-tighten the dough back into an oval. Gently pull it along the countertop to create surface tension. Flip it upside down and place it in a lightly floured oval banneton so the seam/bottom is on top. Cover it with the plastic shower cap and let it sit on the counter for 1 hour, basically from 8:00 a.m. - 9:00 a.m.
  • After the hour is up, place the covered banneton back in the fridge for 6 hours.
  • At 3:00 p.m., after the 6 hours in the fridge, take it out of the fridge and place it in the freezer. Put your cast iron dutch oven in the oven at 500 degrees and begin heating it up.
  • Between 3:45 p.m. and 4:00 p.m., remove the banneton from the freezer. Gently tip the bread loaf out onto a circle of parchment paper. Use a lame to cut one long cut from end to end holding it at a 45-degree angle while slicing.
  • Next, transfer the loaf to the hot dutch oven. Place the loaf in there with two ice cubes and replace the lid. Bake for 20-25 minutes with the lid on. Then, remove the lid and bake for another 10 minutes. The loaf is finished baking when the internal temperature has reached 200 degrees.
  • Remove it from the oven and place it on a cooling rack to cool. Wait until it is fully cool to slice! Enjoy with butter, or make a grilled cheese!! Yum!